Frequently Asked Question

Last Updated 11 months ago



Loading labels

  1. Open the Top Access Door by swinging it up and to the left. Open the Side Access Door by swinging it to the rear of the printer.
  2. Open the Print Head Assembly by pushing the Head Latch toward the rear of the printer. The Print Head Assembly is spring-loaded and will automatically open as soon as the Head Latch is disengaged.
  3. Loosen the Label Edge Guide and push it to the outside of the printer to give the maximum label width.
  4. Remove the Label Roll Retainer.
  5. If using roll labels (or tags), load the roll onto the Label Supply Spindle so that the printing side of the labels faces upwards as it unwinds from the roll. The labels should be wound face-in. Push the roll all the way to the inside of the printer and push the Label Roll Retainer snugly against the outside of the label roll.
  6. Make sure the labels are routed under the Label Guide and through the Sensor Assembly.
  7. Open the Label Hold-Down by squeezing the green tab and the release tab together. The Label Hold Down is spring loaded and will open automatically when the latch is disengaged. Feed the labels under the Label Guide, under the Label Hold Down, through the Sensor Assembly and out the front of the printer.
  8. Inspect the label routing and verify that the path matches that illustrated in the Label Loading diagram. Set the Adjustable Label Guide to keep the labels against the inside of the printer.
  9. Close the Label Hold-Down by pushing downward on the green tab until it latches closed.
  10. Adjust the outside Label Edge Guide until it touches the outside edge of the label and tighten the thumb screw. Make sure the labels are also touching the inside edge guides.
  11. If the ribbon is already loaded, close the Print Head by rotating the black Head Latch toward the front of the printer until it latches closed.
  12. If the ribbon is not loaded, see the following description for loading instructions.
  13. Close both the Access Doors.

Loading Ribbon

  1. Open the Top Access Door by swinging it up and to the left and the Side Access Door by swinging it toward the rear of the printer.
  2. Open the Print Head by rotating the Head Latch toward the rear of the printer. The Print Head is spring-loaded and will automatically open as soon as the Head Latch is disengaged.
  3. Locate the extra ribbon core supplied with the printer. Place the core on the Ribbon Rewind Spindle, pushing it all the way to the inside of the spindle. Note that the new empty core of each subsequent roll becomes the next rewind core.
  4. Load the ribbon onto the Ribbon Supply Spindle, also pushing it all the way to the inside of the spindle. The dull side of the ribbon should be facing down as it travels through the Print Head Assembly.
  5. Feed the leader portion of the ribbon through the Print Head Assembly and up to the Ribbon Rewind Spindle following the routing shown in the diagram.
  6. Load the ribbon behind and over the top of the Ribbon Rewind Spindle and tape it to the Extra Ribbon Core. Make sure it matches the ribbon path shown in the diagram.
  7. Manually turn the Rewind Spindle to wrap the ribbon onto the core one to two turns to secure it.
  8. If the labels or tags are already loaded, close the Print Head Assembly by pushing downward on the green tab until it latches closed.


  1. Remove enough labels from the backing paper to provide 12 inches of backing free from labels.
  2. Open the Print Head assembly and feed the backing paper through the print area in the normal manner.
  3. Lift up and out on the peeler to open it. See image below.
  4. At the label exit area, feed the backing paper down and behind the Knurled Roller, then back down and around the Backing Roller.
  5. Close peeler.
  6. Close the Print Head and place the printer on-line.

Peeler Opening
Peeler Opened
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